
By JeraldDossantos

Top Ten Shopping Tips

Top Ten Shopping Tips

A lot of us need some simple reminders about how to shop smart. You may know that I was once a shopping champion, shopping ’til you drop’. This became a problem for my shopping habits and I began to shop compulsively. I was aware that I needed to have a better relationship with shopping. This I achieved over the course a year.

I don’t shop much anymore, but I do know what makes for a great shopping experience. Let me share with you my top ten tips for shopping. They will hopefully help you shop smart.

Don’t just jump in your car and drive to your favorite shopping spot. You can take a moment to review this list of smart shopping strategies.

Use a list to shop.

This is why it’s my number one tip. This is why many people spend too much or buy things that they don’t need. You are spending your hard-earned money and precious time. It is worth taking a few minutes to prepare. Yes, it is. And you are worth it. Be prepared before you head out on your shopping trip. You should first look at what you already own – in your garage, closets, home, or house. Then, write down the gaps and needs you will be filling with this item. These should be genuine needs, not frivolous wishes. Don’t forget to include the list in your shopping cart! The list won’t be useful if you keep it in your purse or pocket. You can only use it to buy items that are not on the list.

You should establish a budget.

Yes, the “b”, word. Budget. This is very important. People spend too much on things they don’t need or want. It’s not a smart way of shopping. Set a range (or more exact one, if you have done the research on what you want to shop for) for how much you plan to spend on this trip. Also consider what is most comfortable and reasonable for you to spend. The receipt should not be the last thing you remember about your shopping trip. You can do this by making sure you don’t spend more than you have money. You should set a budget and stick to it. You can stop shopping once your budget has been reached, regardless of whether it is $50, $500 or $5000.

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Cash payment.

Research has shown that magic plastic is more expensive than credit and debit cards. This means that we can pay up to 20% to 50% more for our purchases. Magic plastic can make us feel as though we are using Monopoly or play money. As if it were real. Credit card fees can be quite expensive. After you have created your shopping list and set a realistic budget, withdraw your funds and only use the cash for your trip. It feels more authentic to pay with cash, which is why we are trying to connect you to this shopping experience and make sure you only purchase the things that you will actually use and need. It will be much easier to save money than impulse buying, and it will also make you less tempted to buy more.

Establish a timeframe.

You shouldn’t wander aimlessly through a shopping mall. People shop in a lazy fashion while they spend the afternoon at their mall. It’s not something I advocate or encourage. You don’t want to shop in a hurry if you want to shop smart. It’s important to set a time frame for the shopping process. Once that time has passed, it’s time for you to get home. You don’t have the time to waste on unnecessary shopping. After you have bought everything you need (and nothing else), you can start to shop for something else.

You can choose the best time.

Shopping at the wrong time can make it stressful, exhausting, and frustrating. Shopping in busy malls (like Saturday mornings and late night shopping) can make shopping exhausting and cause you to become irritable. Smart shopping isn’t possible when these conditions exist. Keep in mind that our environment can affect us. Overcrowded and jostling shopping areas like those found in congested malls rarely bring out the best of anyone. Choose a time that you feel the most energetic and positive when shopping. You should also make sure to take frequent breaks, or shop for shorter durations in order not to become fatigued.

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Shop by yourself.

Shopping partners can feel more like criminal accomplices than shopping friends. They can push us into buying things we don’t need and may have their own, sometimes unconscious motives for encouraging us shopping. Maybe they are jealous or just want to live through our purchases. Whatever the situation, the one thing they are not required to accept is the consequences. It’s fine to shop as a group activity. However, no buying is allowed. Window shop with your friends or enjoy a meal together. But don’t buy unless you are ready to go shopping.

Shop when you’re tired, hungry or lonely.

This isn’t a complete list of emotional triggers that cause some people to shop too much and buy unnecessary items. They are common triggers for people shopping unconsciously and not in a smart way. You shouldn’t shop if these emotions are triggering. Do something else until it feels more normal.

Ask yourself, “Where will this be worn?”. Too many people buy items impulsively and have no idea what they’ll use them for. It is a waste of time, money and hard earned cash that we spend on unnecessary items that do not belong in our wardrobes, homes, or lives. Imagine that you own the item you are looking to purchase. This will help you to avoid impulse buying. The ‘thrill and the kill’ is over. Now imagine that the item you hold in your hands right now belongs to you. It was purchased and you own it. It’s in your closet/home. You can see it. Think about this: Do you still feel excited? Do you feel the shine has worn off? We don’t always stop to ask ourselves if this is something we need. So we end up buying things that we don’t even use. What a waste!

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Remember that sales people are there to sell you. It doesn’t matter how friendly or approachable a salesperson is. They are only there to make a sale. Although they might care about you leaving with only the best-fitting items, and ones you’ll actually use, But they want to see you leave with something. They want you to leave with something. They do that for a living. No matter how friendly and helpful salespeople may seem, they don’t want to be our friends. While they may show friendly behavior, their primary purpose is to sell you something. Today. You should be aware of these things so you don’t buy unnecessary items that you feel guilty about.

Buy it not because it’s cheap.

The word ‘Sale’ is actually four letters long! The word’shoe’ is the companion word, and it may be responsible more impulse shopping than any other word. A bargain is not worth it if it doesn’t suit you, isn’t comfortable, isn’t what you need or isn’t something you love. A $20 shirt, $20 shoes, $20 make-up, $20 DVD, $20 scented candles, $20 Batman clock and $20 for anything else is a waste. Although it may seem like a bargain at $20, those $20 can add up. You wouldn’t throw 20 dollars out the window. Don’t waste your hard-earned money on items that look like a ‘bargain’ because of their low price. Only buy items on sale if it is something you want and within your financial means.