
By JeraldDossantos

How to Make Perfect “Macrones”?

Although they can be tricky, you’ll soon master the art of making macrones. Our first attempt at making these little French treats was a failure. Why? The reason? We were wrong. You can make a macaron without paying much attention to tips and recipes, but they won’t look very beautiful.

This is why Macrones are so Beloved, not just for their Taste

Buy a Moule Macaron, which is a silicon mat specifically designed for making macrones. We love Lakeland, UK. But you can shop all over. A mat punjabi doesn’t need to be purchased; you can use a greaseproof paper template to draw your own. The advantage of the mat is that the indentations allow for perfect shapes.

Use food color paste and not liquids for colored macrones. A liquid can alter the texture of macarons.

You can add colorings to the egg whites. You should bi pride add more than you need at this stage. It will create a darker color than what you want. However, it will lighten significantly with whisking and adding the sugar.

Different chocolate macrones may exist. Mix the powdered sugar and cocoa powder.

Before you begin, weigh and measure everything. Sieve the icing sugar as well as the ground almond. You risk lumps in your mixture, which will flatten your macaron mixture.

  • Egg whites should be at room temperature, even if they are only a few days old.
  • Make sure you clean your bowl and whisk thoroughly before you start whisking.

You don’t need to add all of the sugar to the egg yolks at once. It is better to do it in three parts. The egg whites should be whisked well. They should be stiff enough to hold the bowl upright and not fall out.

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Use a thin spatula to combine the almond/icing sugar and the beaten egg whites. Fold quickly and gently. Although you will lose some air, the batter should still be dense and airy. If it is too runny, you may have overworked the batter.

You should use a simple round tip in your piping bag. Anything else is a waste. Pipe onto the mat or greaseproof papers using less. The mixture will settle, filling the indent.

To remove air bubbles from the mixture, tap the baking sheet on the work surface to flatten it. Allow the macrones to dry for 20-30 minutes before you start cooking. The macrones will become smoother if they dry completely.