
By JeraldDossantos

How Many Baby Clothes Do You Need?

You may have to change your baby three times in a single day. You may only need to change them once a day. DUDUWHOLESALE, one of the suppliers of wholesale baby clothing you can trust for the first time. If you are looking for wholesale baby clothing and buy baby clothes in bulk to resell, Dudu best wholesaler is the most suitable option.

It is a good idea to always have an extra. You don’t want your baby to have a major blowout and poop all over her back. In case you were wondering, my baby girl experienced this exact thing.

Consider how often you plan to do your laundry. You might be used to washing laundry every other day.

You won’t be able to fold all your clothes once your baby arrives. It doesn’t matter how trendy or cute the outfit for your baby is. It’s just one more thing to wash. Choose wisely.

Which type of baby clothes is best?

Baby clothes are big business. There are many options for outfits, from jeans to formal wear to dressing up clothes to hoodies.

Although it is easy to get swayed by the beautiful outfits, there are some facts that you should know about clothes and babies.

Nappies leak. It is possible for your baby to poop on their clothes at most once per day. It is worth it?

Babies vomit. Sometimes, they just spit up a bit. Other times, the entire feed is released. If they are lucky, their bibs catch it all.

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At 2am, fiddly clothes won’t be your friend. When you have to change baby’s clothes at 2am, the cute button-up top isn’t going to look so great.

Shoes are adorable, but completely unnecessary. You baby won’t be walking before one year. So save your money!

The cute clothes will be bought by your friends and family. New clothes are hard to resist for babies. Gifts after the baby’s birth will bring you many dresses, cute cardigans, and top/legging combinations.

This is not a warning to buy cute, beautiful outfits for your baby. Focus on the practical aspects of your baby’s clothing.

For simpler changes, you’ll need clothes that are easy to reach for baby’s nappies. Also, clothes that can be removed and put back on in dimly lit rooms.

Checklist of newborn baby clothes

The newborn clothes checklist for baby clothes is very minimalistic! This is all you will need to provide for your newborn baby until he/she is three months old.

The style of babygro you choose will depend on how it is fastened. Those that have poppers are usually more expensive than those that have zips. The ones with zips are easier to manage in the middle of the night.

You might consider buying two one-pieces that zip up and having the other with poppers.

The checklist includes a pramsuit for sizes 0-3 months. It doesn’t really matter if it is too large in the first weeks, as your baby will only use it for traveling and not on the ground.

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To keep things simple, I have opted for all-in-one outfits. You don’t even need socks for the first few weeks. They are often just pulled off the baby’s feet, so don’t worry!

Vests. These are also known as bodysuits and add an additional layer to the babygro. Light cotton layers are best for keeping your baby warm and comfortable at night. To keep baby cool in summer, you can buy vests with no sleeves.

Babygros. Babygros can be purchased in fleece, which is fine for colder environments. However, there is a chance that baby might get too hot in these babygros. You can warmen baby by using cotton fabrics, and adding a vest underneath or blankets to the top.

Hats. Choose light cotton beanie hats. If your baby is too small to wear the hat, you can tie the knot at the top. You may find that your baby needs the hats even in summer.

Cardigan/jumper. You can choose the material and design depending on when your baby is born. Some cardigans have big, fluffy hoodies and are very heavy. Others are more suitable for summer.

Scratch mits. Babies can cause skin damage by raking their nails down. Babygros may sometimes include scratch mits, so make sure to check before you purchase.

Sleeping bags. If your baby is over 8 lbs, you can put them in a sleeping bag. Double-check the label on the bag to make sure it is suitable for your baby. These are great because you can either zip your baby in or put the poppers on. Your baby will not be able to get out of bed and become cold at night.


Pramsuit. You may need to purchase a spare pramsuit in case your baby develops reflux.

Extras for winter. You will need warm hats and mittens if your baby was born in summer. A warm hat made of cotton, not wool, is better for baby’s delicate skin.

Extras for summer. You will need to protect your baby’s head from the sun, depending on when they were born and how often you spend outside.

One outfit for a special occasion One outfit for a special occasion.